Predicting undetectable MRD in newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma

This webpage was designed for predicting undetectable MRD in newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma patients using tumor burden, cytogenetic abnormalities and tumor immune microenvironment biomarkers from a machine learning algorithm. [NEW: The model is now able to impute missing cytogenetic abnormalities and tumor burden (i.e. PC clonality and circulating tumor cells) based on a nearest-neighbor approach. If you are missing these variables, simply type missing]

Ex. 61; if you do not wish to impute simply type none

Ex. positive or negative; or missing

Ex. 0.24 or missing

Ex. 1.45 or missing

Ex. 1.63

Ex. 0.23

Ex. 2.34

Ex. 0.35

Ex. 2.53

Ex. 40.6